Oshawa and Durham Region Métis Council
The Oshawa and Durham Region Métis Council (ODRMC) is a chartered council of the Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO), established in 2004. We invite the Oshawa and Durham Region Community, Métis, Indigenous and non-Indigenous People of all ages to participate with us in the celebration of our Métis history, values, culture, and languages which form our proud heritage.
Our council stands committed to enhancing community development, the academic success of our youth, the promotion of artistic and cultural achievements along with exercising our treaty rights under the constitution.
Together with our community partners, friends, the support of the MNO and co-council, we strive to provide community programs, outreach and cultural development. (MNO)
Our Council

President - Helen Giacchetta

Chair - Mackenzie Moreau

Treasurer - Mike Tooley
Secretary - Don Huppe
Senator - Cecile Wagar
Women’s Rep - Claire Kearns

Councillor - Pearl Gabona

Councillor - Riscylla Shaw

Councillor - Kim Nealon
Councillor - Patrice Joly